Season 2 - EP 5: Uniquely American: Addiction + Recovery

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In this episode of If Not Us, we sit down with Philip Rutherford of Faces & Voices of Recovery.

Philip Rutherford is the Chief Operating Officer at Faces & Voices of Recovery. He is a recovery coach, a passionate member of the Recovery Community and possesses a self-described Doctorate from the school of Hard Knocks. As COO, he is responsible for multiple lines of business within the Faces & Voices ecosystem. Phil is credited with a significant role in conception, design, launch and facilitation of the Recovery Data Platform (RDP). This cloud-based platform is the first of its kind and has quickly become a valuable asset in longitudinal data collection for Peer-Based Services.

Faces & Voices is dedicated to organizing and mobilizing the over 23 million Americans in recovery from addiction to alcohol and other drugs, families, friends, and allies into recovery community organizations and networks, to promote the right and resources to recover through advocacy, education and demonstrating the power and proof of long-term recovery.

We talk about what recovery looks like in the US and who gets it right.


Season 2 - EP 4: Uniquely American: Medical Debt